Category Archives: compassion


Spirituality is about turning inward, seeing the Divine within and recognizing the interconnectedness of all things.

Spirituality is realizing that my life has a purpose and it’s from that purpose that I derive a sense of meaning and fulfillment.

Spirituality is continually asking how I can be of service to others and add more light and love to the world.

Spirituality is about how I show up each and every day, it’s about the interactions I have with others. It’s about being patient, loving, and kind and recognizing when I’m not being so patient, loving or kind.

Spirituality is about being consciously aware of the choices I make and the actions I take. It’s also about taking responsibility for those choices and actions.

Spirituality is about recognizing all of my perfections and imperfections. It’s about accepting myself for who I am and accepting others for who they are.

Spirituality is about the kind of relationship I have with myself. It’s about the ways I take care of myself and love myself.

Spirituality is about moving through resistance when there’s fear and not resisting fear when it shows up, just facing it head on.

Spirituality is about nature, about seeing the Divine in all things.

Spirituality is about paying attention to that inner voice that compels me to live my life to its fullest potential.

Spirituality is realizing I’m a spiritual being having a human experience and reminding myself to take in each moment and experience as it arises.

Spirituality is allowing myself to process my feelings, to understand that much like contentment and joy-sorrow, loss and despair are also part of the human experience.

Spirituality is also the trivial and mundane.

Spirituality is forgiveness. Forgiving myself and forgiving others.

Spirituality is my darkest hour and the glimmer of hope that carries me through.

Spirituality is about courage, faith, and the deep conviction in knowing that the Universe is always working in my favor and that I am the co-creator of this adventure that is my life.

Spirituality is seeing that I’m perfect and whole and that I’m healed through the grace of the Divine.

Spirituality is seeing the Divine breathe, move, and express Itself through everything and everyone.

Spirituality is that which has many faces all of which I recognize, see, feel, hear, taste and smell.

Spirituality is my breath, it’s the way the oxygen fills my lungs and breathes life into my body.

Spirituality is our precious planet, the Universe and beyond.

Spirituality is the Omniscient,Omnipresent and Omnipotent.

Spirituality is…



these words,

and this moment,

here and now.

With All My Love,


Recently my colleague, Klay Williams and I launched Life Cafe w/ Alana & Klay. To kick off this live, 4-week, interactive series we discussed relationships. We spoke about the various types of relationships and how our insecurities, fears, and judgments show up in these relationships. We also spoke about the most important relationship- the relationship with the self.

As someone who has struggled in the past to nurture my own relationship with myself, I can’t stress enough how important it is to show up for yourself, to love yourself, and to learn how to fully accept yourself for who you are.

How do you begin to cultivate a deeper-more loving relationship with yourself?


Be honest with yourself about all the ways you aren’t so loving and kind to yourself. No, I’m not suggesting that you beat yourself up in any way but I am suggesting that you get really clear about how you’re going to start making YOU a priority in your life.


Honoring and respecting yourself isn’t just about carving out time for yourself and being disciplined about making you a priority in your life, honoring and respecting yourself means fully embracing and accepting yourself for who you are. That means bringing your true, authentic self to the party.


Giving yourself permission to make YOU a sacred priority in your life is the first step. Yes, it can be a challenge to acknowledge your value and self-worth, especially if you weren’t raised with a strengthened sense of either. There are plenty of tools I offer my clients to help strengthen their capacity to acknowledge their innate goodness but the truth is it takes time and practice.


Carving out quality time to explore your passions and interests is vital. Engaging in activities that nourish your mind, body, and Spirit brings you a greater sense of vitality, joy, peace, love, fulfillment, and wellbeing.


No one wants to feel like they’re being pressured to do or be anything other than who they are. Letting go of expectations creates a space that allows yourself and others to be authentic and real.

Remember, relationships are our greatest teachers- they mirror our innermost thoughts, feelings and beliefs about ourselves. As we grow to honor, love, AND accept ourselves for who we are, our capacity to honor, love, and accept others grows too. May all your relationships reflect the Divine goodness that exists within you. Sending you all my love.

With Love & Light,

Want to learn more about Life Cafe w/ Alana & Klay? Click here for details: & don’t forget to join us live- this Wednesday 2/27/13.


Today I want to talk about what it means to sit and be with whatever it is you’re feeling in the moment and the importance of allowing yourself to explore whatever emotions you’re feeling, regardless if they feel icky, unpleasant or unwanted. So let me ask you…Can you invite those icky, unpleasant, unwanted feelings in- without running from them? Can you allow yourself to observe what that feeling of emotion is trying to inform you without judgment? And can you resist the resisting?

This leads me to the next topic- healing. I’m not just talking about physical healing, I’m talking about an all encompassing healing that takes place when we awaken to our truth; the kind of healing that is felt and experienced on a deeply profound level. There are two beautiful sayings by Rumi which I love, two sayings that speak to our capacity to not only awaken to our deepest truth but experience a profound healing.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

“You already have the precious mixture that will make you well. Use it.”

As a Reiki teacher & practitioner, sometimes people will ask me what Reiki is, how it’s “transmitted”, what the experience of Reiki will be like, etc.- I love those questions and I love sharing what I do. But the truth is, I probably don’t give the answer most people want hear. In fact, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- Reiki is so many things and the experience of a Reiki session, like any other experience in life will vary from person to person. However, since I’m discussing the topic of healing and Reiki, maybe I have piqued your interest and perhaps a more detailed explanation is order.

To me, Reiki is the Universal Life Force Energy of Unconditional, Omnipresent LOVE.  That being said, we can all attune ourselves to Reiki because it’s what we are all comprised of. Like most practices including yoga, meditation, running, and virtually any sport or martial art- the more you practice Reiki, the more adept you become and the more attuned you become to the benefits of the practice itself. Eventually the benefits of that practice affects various aspects of your life for the better. Why? Because the practice, the sport, the art- it IS the thing that lights you up and makes you come alive. However, I want to highlight why it’s important not to get wrapped up in the conceptualization of Reiki, yoga, meditation or any other practice and/or become addicted to the feeling those practices elicit.

I have seen many people (myself included) get wrapped up in the ideal of something. For instance, when I awakened to a “spiritual path”, I felt a tremendous shift in my being that was so great- it was life changing. As a result, I developed a kind of addiction if you will- to chasing that feeling.  I believed that by adopting some sort of spiritual practice, including meditating for a certain length of time, devoting myself to a guru, and/or a particular spiritual teaching that I would eventually have all the answers to life’s greatest questions. Funny I know!

What’s even funnier is that I spent a great deal of time invested in the belief that through meditation, “letting go”, “surrendering”, and transcending my body self- that I might one day dwell in a state of samadhi- that I would somehow be able to sustain the transformative peak experience that I had experienced before. Even at the very beginning of my yoga teacher training, I found myself using those same concepts to teach meditation to students and fellow peers.  It was my teacher who helped me come to two very important realizations with regard to the concept of letting go and surrender.  Sometimes, no matter how hard we try- we can’t let go or surrender our thoughts or our feelings.  Secondly, why should we?  Now don’t get me wrong- there are plenty of let’s say, “useless” thoughts or “not so good” feelings that might not be beneficial to our well-being and yes, there are plenty of people who are consumed by their thoughts and feelings. What I’m pointing to is something much deeper. The reason why we shouldn’t get wrapped up in the idea of letting go or surrendering our thoughts and feelings is because part of the experience of being a human being IS experiencing.

As the completion of my yoga teacher training draws near, one thing I’ve come to realize is that being in our bodies- feeling whatever feelings that arise in this moment is part of experiencing what it means to be alive. To deny our thoughts, our feelings, our emotions, and our body, is to deny the human experience- to deny the Divine gift of life that we have been given. When I finally stopped chasing enlightenment and the feeling of being awakened and alive, all that was left was to be in my body, to be open, to be present, to be awake, and to be alive. 🙂

Healing is about discovering the light of who we are and shinning that light upon all aspects of our being- including the dark and every shade or gray in between. Healing can happen on many levels- physical, mental, emotional, and Spiritual- it can be transformative. But at the most fundamental level, healing is about awakening to our deepest truth, surrendering to life and everything contained within the scope of experiencing life. Yes, Reiki is one of many pathways that can illuminate that truth. But at the heart of the matter, The Radiant Well of Divine sacredness, IS the wholeness, Oneness, and All encompassing LOVE that resides in YOU right now. It is from this space of presence and awareness that we realize we don’t have to go searching outside ourselves for the truth, we don’t have to commit ourselves to a monastic life, devote ourselves to a guru, meditate for hours on end, or experience Reiki to become “healed” or enlightened- that’s right, that which you seek, is that which YOU already are.

With Love & Light,



Got fear? In one way or another Love, we can all relate. Fortunately, underneath fear there is always LOVE. That’s right, underneath the pain, the sorrow, the depths of despair, heartache, you name it- lies fear and just below the fear is LOVE.

Think about it. Think back to a time when you’ve faced a challenge in your life and how fear was lurking right below the surface of that gut wrenching feeling. Maybe out of fear you said to yourself, “I don’t know how I will go on now that _______ is gone”, “I will never fall in love again”…or maybe you’ve said, “how am I going to make ends meet?” Then one day- you woke up, things didn’t feel so bad; you found the strength to go on, courage to love again, or a financial resource showed up. Now, in no way am I trying to minimize or discount the pain or fear you might be experiencing right now but what I would like to offer you is glimmer of hope and at the very least some LOVE from my heart to yours.

“What is needed, rather than running away or controlling or suppressing or any other resistance, is understanding fear; that means, watch it, learn about it, come directly into contact with it. We are to learn about fear, not how to escape from it.”~Jiddu Krishnamurti

I believe it is our Soul’s task to continually confront fear throughout our lifetime. The beauty is that no matter what challenge shows up or what fears arise, LOVE will always be there- waiting in the wings to guide us in the right direction. There have been plenty of painful experiences in which I’ve felt the despair of grief and had to face my fears. Sometimes during these experiences I thought the darkness would never break through to the light and out of nowhere a crack appeared, light poured in…And there was LOVE– enveloping me in its arms like a mother cradling her newborn baby. It was in these moments of Grace that deep down I just knew that everything would be ok.

This is how life operates. Life is a dance of opposites. In order to see the light, we must experience the dark. In order to know joy, we must experience sorrow and in order to experience LOVE, sometimes we must experience it’s extreme opposite. However, when you sit with fear long enough and find the courage to face it everytime it shows up, eventually you see fear for what it is and with time, all fears dissolve into pure LOVE. LOVE that heals the deepest wounds, LOVE that allows you to recall fond memories of loved ones with smiles instead of tears, LOVE that provides you with the means to address any financial challenge, LOVE that will never forsake you or give you more than you can bear. Yes, facing fear will call you out. Facing fear will test you to see what you’re made of and NO, there is no guarantee that you won’t be left with scars but for every courageous step you take toward facing your fear, it brings you one step closer to LOVE.

Whatever challenges you’re facing today, whatever fears are there for you to confront, just remember my friend, YOU are not alone, and LOVE is always waiting for you with open arms.

With Love & Light,



The Truth Will Set You Free

How does it feel to disregard your truth, to ignore how you feel? I mean how you REALLY feel?
Now drop down into your heart, better yet- make it your heart AND your gut. Place one hand on your heart and the other on your solar plexus (your belly) and close your eyes. What have you been ignoring? Maybe it’s a dream you have but you’re too afraid to act upon it, maybe you need to forgive someone, or perhaps there’s a “big secret” you’re too afraid to share with a loved one because you don’t know how they’ll react.

Now take a deep breath…and become aware of the sensations you’re feeling. How does it feel to not own your truth? Uncomfortable, isolating… painful? The cold hard truth is that every time you bury your emotions and ignore your truth- you betray yourself. And at the heart of the matter,
self-betrayal is pathological- it turns into dis-ease. Dis-ease that leaves us feeling disempowered, riddled with fear, and unable to be authentically who we are. By ignoring how you feel, it reinforces negative patterns of behavior that further diminishes your spirit and keeps you you from being in alignment with your natural state of being. A state of being that is inherently joyful, harmonious, whole, and complete.

How do you let yourself off the hook and begin to speak your truth

Stop trying to rationalize why you haven’t taken a risk on behalf of your dreams. Stop thinking about all the reasons why you can’t forgive someone. Stop making up stories in your head about how the person you love is going to react if you tell them the whole truth and nothing but the truth. You see, the truth is that YOUR truth is YOUR truth, not someone else’s.

Focus on how you want to feel

Set your judgment aside and focus on how it would feel to be authentically you. Start to visualize what it would look like to live your dreams. Dare to imagine what it would be like to let go of the past and forgive someone. Then drop down into your heart and feel what it would be like to be free, to do what you love, to forgive and leave the past in the past, to stand with integrity, to be authentic and real.

Life is about choices

At the end of the day, life is about choices. It’s just that simple. Whether you choose to ignore how you feel and continue to conceal your truth, is entirely up to you. Just remember there is always another choice. A choice that will liberate you and let you off the hook once and for all.

So my question today is, how can you let yourself off the hook and begin to speak your truth? What would your life look like if you could honor your truth? And how would it feel to be authentically you? As always, I would love to hear from you. Email me or leave a comment below.

With Love & Light,


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