Category Archives: awakening to our deepest truth

FULL MOON 2/3/15


Tender Heart-

Bathe in the light and stillness of the moon-
Behold Her benevolence and grace
Dance in Her Lunar love beams…
Take refuge in Her
Submerge yourself in Her sweet radiance
And allow the fullness and presence of Her Being
To ease your weary heart
And breathe new life into your Soul



It takes a lot of courage to speak our truth; to listen to our hearts and take the road less traveled.

For the better part of a year I have exercised the right to speak my truth and I’ve followed my heart even when it didn’t make sense to my rational mind.

I also let go of the roles I was good at playing, including: selfless wife & mother, teacher, people pleaser, devoted daughter, doting big sister, loyal lover, dependable best friend- the list goes on and on…

Needless to say, every step along the way has been an act of courage.

But between you and me (whoever is reading this), the real courage lies in being able to watch all the dreams, all the stories and all the false perceptions and beliefs about oneself & others completely fall away.

To be able to sit in the fire, be consumed by the flames and let it ALL burn…
this IS the point in which even the most courageous human beings opt out and choose a life of mediocrity instead.

For me there is no greater act of courage than completely dying to yourself to know what it means to Truly LOVE yourself.

Friend, what are you ready to let go of and are you willing to let it burn?

If so, let us sit in the alchemical fire together, hand in hand, until all that remains is the scorched ground laden with ash and seed that will always give way to new growth & life.

With Love,

La Luna

cosmic convergence

Tides continue to shift, rise and fall as la Luna transmits penetrating waves of deeper realization and understanding. Do not fear Her tender but fierce embrace. This is an invitation to turn inward, to dissolve all the barriers within you that prevent you from taking the next step or perhaps what’s being transmitted is simply a provocation; a reminder to appreciate this now moment. Be gentle with yourself and exercise the utmost kindness, compassion and care.

Sending Love…



How do you begin to make sense of heartbreak, sorrow, grief and the weight of what it feels like to be alone?

And how do you fully embrace the feeling of ecstatic bliss and sacred joy when in any given moment joy falls away and feelings of anger or sadness take joy’s place?

Through the process of awakening you come to recognize that joy & sorrow are but one thread and there is no opposite of Love.

In Love there is no separation, Love- just IS.

Even trying to find words to describe Love, can cause a split and cut you off from this moment- the only moment in which the awareness of Pure Love can be felt and experienced.

To experience Pure Love is to stand naked at the shore of the ocean and Feel the waves of desire, longing, sorrow, loss and despair crashing at your bare feet.

Give up on trying to derive answers from questions uttered in yesterday’s prayer.

And stop trying to make sense of everything, instead check in with yourself…

How are you Feeling and can you BE with that?

Can you fully receive this moment, without expectation, without needing this moment to be anything other than what it is?

Can you be with your sadness as well as your joy?

Can you surrender to that?

Can you surrender the need to run from what you Feel Now?

And can you let go of the need to know who you are?

Maybe through the process of awakening, you have experienced the deepest Truth of who You are, this doesn’t mean that when the next moment arises you’ll be exempt from coming undone.

One can easily be seduced into becoming attached to a spiritual identity, bypassing or negating one’s Feelings.

Ahhh…yes, spiritual awakening has its own kind of heartbreak and while your spiritual practice or spiritual identity may have served you along your path, even helped you awaken to what you know in your heart to be True- can you be just as fascinated by this moment?

Can you be fascinated by your humanness and your capacity to Feel…
To Feel All of it.

What it means to be Alive-

…To experience adventure

…To get lost in the dance

…To feel the warmth of an embrace

…To make Love to your Beloved

…To be vulnerable

…To sit with a another in turmoil

…To Feel with one’s whole heart, the pain and anguish of loss, especially when it burns in the belly and feels excruciatingly heavy to the heart-

It is in these moments we must ask ourselves

…Can I be present to what is- Now?

…Can I hold the weight of my own grief with tenderness & care?

And can I honor how I feel even in the depths of my own despair?

If you’re still enough-

If you give yourself the space to Be-

To just breathe and Feel it All-

Somehow the burning dissolves, the heaviness subsides and all that remains is presence & Love.

In Light & Love,

Speak Your Truth


It’s time.

It’s time to Speak Your Truth, no matter what it may be.

Gone are the days of hiding behind the mask; pretending to be something you are not.

Sure, you’ve grown accustom to your multifaceted being and YES, you’re good at managing the roles…

But the truth is- You long to be Free.

Free in every sense of the word-






Your Soul– is burning.

Burning with desire- yearning for change.

All that’s needed is…

: A willingness to follow your bliss

: The audacity to be courageous

: And the ability to surrender

Just remember-

Faith is your friend and everything you’ve been searching for already exists within.

All You have to do is pay attention, listen to your heart, trust, let go and just

Speak Your Truth.

With Love & Light,
