Category Archives: embarking on an adventure


Lately I have been overwhelmed with my to do list, you know the thousand and one things you need to accomplish in a day. Whenever this happens of course, I know I need a serious TIME OUT!
So…I decided to break up the monotony by doing a little creative writing.

This is dedicated to all of the movers, shakers, lovers, dreamers, seekers, believers, healers and in betweeners. Wishing you all a very Happy Friday!!!


Each day, bring forth the best of what you’ve got to GIVE

but also…



Express GRATITUDE every day & as often as possible.

If you love… LOVE with ALL of your HEART

& say exactly what’s in it.

When you dream…DARE to DREAM BIG

That’s right, go the EXTRA mile-

don’t be afraid to fail because there’s no such thing as failure-


Sure times may get tough,

you may want to throw in the towel and go running for the hills…

let’s face it,

when you neglect to listen to your HEART or follow your dreams,

it’s difficult to look at yourself in the mirror.

When this happens take a DEEP breath

& don’t forget to LOVE YOURSELF along the way.

You ARE human after all.


when the time comes and you can no longer ignore the truth staring back at you,


this is your opportunity to GROW and EVOLVE,

to HONOR your TRUTH,

and heed your glorious call to adventure


you can continue down the same path.


either way…



Disconnection not only makes us feel isolated and cut off from life, it often leave us feeling paralyzed and numb. Bottom line, when we’re feeling disconnected from the world, or others, it’s because we’re disconnected from ourselves- from our Spirit.

Of course, it’s painful to own our disconnectedness. It’s much easier to blame others for feeling broken, or isolated, rather than accept responsibility for our actions and choices. And so we do things to numb the feelings of disconnection- drugs, drinking, acting out sexually, working ourselves to death, micro-managing, shopping, over eating, and any number of behaviors that help us avoid feelings of disconnection altogether.

At the heart of the matter, connection is what gives our lives meaning. So why is it that in a world where technology and social media enables us to connect with millions in an instant that so many of us choose disconnection over the very thing that adds meaning and value to our lives? It’s simple- we choose it.

When we decide to isolate ourselves from our loved ones, numb our pain with self-sabotaging behaviors, cut ourselves off from nature, become apathetic to social and political issues that impact the greater good of the whole, or choose to feel unworthy, not good enough, broken, and unloved- we choose to be disconnected.

When we recognize the value of family, friendship, camaraderie, community, and love- our hearts swell with immense gratitude for the joy connection gives us. By taking time out of our daily lives to nourish our mind, body, and Spirit, we’re able to ground ourselves in the present moment; to feel the interconnectedness of all things and recognize the importance of not only being connected to the world, and with others, but to ourselves.

With Love & Light,


Taking Risks on Behalf of Your Dreams

Recently I decided to embark on an exciting adventure.  In all honesty, I’m not quite sure where this adventure is going to take me but I have a hunch that by being present and open to whatever comes my way- I will come out of this experience having gained some amazing insight.

You’re probably wondering what this so called “exciting adventure” is.  Well, recently I decided to immerse myself in a yoga teacher training program.  I’ll admit with my schedule and all the responsibilities I have on my plate, committing to a yoga teaching program is consuming a lot of valuable time.  I say valuable because over the last three weeks it has become a challenge to manage my time between my family, writing, growing my practice, and coaching.  One might ask with all of these responsibilities, why add yoga teacher training to the mix?…

Over the last couple years much like Reiki, yoga has become an integral part of my life.  Yoga is one of many practices which help me maintain harmony between my mind, body, and Spirit.  Having recognized these benefits, over time I have developed a genuine interest to deepen my practice and study the science of yoga.  That being said, when the opportunity presented itself, I felt like I had to take advantage of it.

I will say not everyone is as brazen as I am when it comes to taking risks.  However, I will also admit my natural tendency to jump into things is not always beneficial but I do think it’s important to pay attention to the signs the Universe offers us.  When it seemed as if the sun, the moon, and the stars aligned for me to take advantage of this unique opportunity to outstretch myself, I responded.  The best part is I have no idea where this adventure is going to take me but needless to say, I’m open to the possibilities.

When I contemplated what I wanted to write about today, I couldn’t help but wonder what signs the Universe is sending each of you; what opportunities are presenting themselves for you to learn and grow from.  I also wonder what the apprehension is on your part to take a risk on behalf of your dreams, especially when you know deep down in your heart it would serve your highest good.  Well, guess what my friend?  YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  While I consider myself to be a risk taker, there are still areas in my life which I consciously cut myself off from exploring possibilities.  However, the truth is when we do this we also cut ourselves off from growing.

My question to you is where can you see an opportunity for growth in your life?  What signs are you receiving from the Universe that are nudging you in the direction of your dream and why are you afraid to take a risk on behalf of it?  Finally, can you recognize your fears as mere thoughts which have nothing to do with the outcome or success of your opportunity for growth?  I’d love to hear what you think?  Feel free to leave a comment below.

With Love & Light,




Being independent and financially secure has always been important to me (this is a story for another day). Because of that I’ve been working since I was 15 years old. Now that I am self employed it means I can focus my energy, time, and attention on what I’m passionate about. Don’t get me wrong there is so much uncertainty and who knows what lies ahead but one thing is for sure, there is a huge sense of freedom knowing that I can pursue my passion full time.

Now for months prior to announcing my resignation, I contemplated whether it was “wise” to resign from the comforts of an 8-4 to devote myself fully to writing and growing my practice. And trust me when I say, I recognize some of us may not be able to pursue our passion full time. But does that mean we just give up on our dreams? Over the last year and in this short span of time since resigning, the writing on the wall has become abundantly clear: IN ORDER TO FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS YOU HAVE TO SHAKE THINGS UP! That’s right we have to continually challenge conditioned beliefs about what we deem “safe” and “secure” and be willing to dance on the edge in a space of unfamiliarity and YES-uncertainty. Of course, in order to become comfortable with the uncomfortable requires faith. Faith in the greater good of ourselves and faith in our dreams despite what others think, say, or feel.


There are a few friends and family members of mine who don’t quite fully understand how I could abandon a “stable job”, or why I’m taking a risk by choosing uncertainty. Nor do they understand the drive or necessity for me to live my dream and fulfill my Soul’s purpose. Even the mention of “Soul’s purpose” sounds a bit too woo woo for them. 🙂 However, I reconciled that a long time ago. How did I reconcile it all? Well…I’ve learned to let go of what others think, instead I trust and follow my instincts and to be honest I continue working on myself from the inside out every day. More importantly, I do my best to surround myself with those who nourish my Soul. I honor my inner artist each day and I also take care of myself by engaging in a host of daily practices to nourish my mind, body, and Spirit. As a result, my sense of purpose is no longer about achieving accolades, or receiving validation and recognition from others. Above all else, my purpose is NOT about acquiring “things” to gauge or measure my success. My passion and purpose is simply about doing what I love. The payoff?…Giving that love to others. That’s right, doling out BIG heaping mounds of my LOVE!

While some of you may be feeling me on this one, I know others of you may be thinking, who the hell is this idealistic- Pollyanna Principle subscriber! It’s all good. I can take it. But I want to make it clear, despite my Pollyanna ways it doesn’t make me exempt from having “not so good days”, I am HUMAN afterall! But generally speaking I’m a “GOOD MORNING”- “glass is full” and “cup runneth over” kind of girl. It’s just who I am and I can’t think of a better way to honor myself or others than by showing up as the best me every day.


To all my hangliding, cliff diviving, rock climbers- sky diving, trapeze flying, head standing yogis- Brazen crosfitters, thrill seekers and everything in between who walk a path of personal and spiritual growth- you recognize the importance of honoring yourself daily, putting your best foot forward, and showing up for life fully present and alive. You recognize the deep inner work required to embark on this adventure. You know it’s EASIER to walk a path that is familiar and comforting. You know it’s EASIER to wave a white flag of surrender to resistance instead of facing you fears…And let’s be HONEST, it’s DOWNRIGHT uncomfortable and sometimes painful to acknowledge, let alone love our shadows (the darker tendencies of our personality). BUT you press on with strength and courage; following your instincts- letting the Universe guide you toward the direction of your dream. YOU are my travel companions on this Soul adventure, you inspire me and I LOVE YOU.

To all my friends who want to be an adventurer but you’re not so sure you can take a risk on behalf of your dreams. Let me ask you this. What is your story? What is the dialogue going on in your cunning- brilliant beautiful mind? Is it one of lack or love? Is it one of fear or faith? Is it one of self-sabotage or self belief? My friend, if it’s about lack, fear, or self-sabotage it’s time to shake things up! It’s time to re-write a new story and embark on a new adventure. That’s right, it’s time to call your inner naysayer’s bluff and look beyond the limiting beliefs of who you THINK you are, who others WANT you to be, and acknowledge the TRUTH of who YOU really are.


Ask yourself the following questions:

Do I have the desire to make a change in my life?
Do I have the willingness to nourish my mind, body, and Spirit in a way that stretches me beyond the confines of my comfort zone?
Do I have the ability to love and accept every part of me wholly and fully?
Do I have the cajónes to follow my passion despite what others say?
Do I have the fortitude to weather the obstacles and challenges that will arise?
Do I have a longing to birth something creative and inspiring into the world?
Do I have a knowingness within my being that my life is intended to serve a greater purpose than I might be able to fully comprehend?


MAYBE you do know what your purpose is. Maybe you’ve felt what it’s like to have your heart swell when you inspire or help others with compassion and love. OR maybe the mere thought of giving and adding value to the lives of others fills you with enthusiasm and inner joy. Regardless, if you answered YES to any of the questions above, you are definitely an adventurer and in that case you only have ONE choice… heed your call to adventure and prepare to embark on an ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME!

Happy Friday My Friends!

Lots of Love & Light,


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